
Monday, June 8, 2015

Okay, but Caityln Jenner does not look like a woman, right? (Or "She man.")

Remember Ms. Swan from MadTV? That's some old-school racism! But, really, am I just crazy? Because I'm not seeing it. A guy will think Jenner is a woman if he's mentally challenged, in a bar, and it's dark, and he's drunk--and there are no other woman for immediate comparison. Then he will buy her a drink. I will not lie and say Jenner is attractive. I will not play along. I am not a hypocrite. I am a Jew-black guy who cannot become anything else--and neither can anyone else. You cannot change the ones and zeroes that make up the DNA that the Creator or nature gave you. Jenner is clearly a man who spent money to legally become a woman. Jenner does not look like a woman--science is not yet advanced enough to make a person look like the opposite sex, so 99% of the time you get an odd man-woman combination that's not realistically appealing to anybody who's free of a political agenda. Jenner looks like a transgender woman (or man--or whatever). (And, hey, femi-ninnies, we are not supposed to objective women, remember? Attempting to validate Jenner's appearance is sexist and wrong. And that's checkmate, ladies!)

What is unfortunate is that the ESPYs are giving Caitlyn Jenner their annual courage award, not the little girl who raised money for cancer victims. Of course, there's no better way for a little girl to learn the ropes of America than to get cheated out of something by a rich old white guy. (Oh, and Bruce Jenner won those Olympic medals fair and square. Rapists can keep their medals--transgender people can keep their medals too. Only cheaters should be stripped. And, believe me, no one wants to strip Jenner. Zing!)

Meanwhile, the Republican Jenner has benefitted from California and the news media's liberalism. Orange is the New Black actress Laverne Cox has claimed that calling a transgender person by the identity of their DNA, not the one of their choosing, is a "hate crime." No, Brandon Teena suffered a hate crime. Calling someone who is genetically a man "he" is just one belief system, but at least it's a belief system based on science, and some activists are trying to get us to ignore common sense, which I can never support. Laws can be passed to force us to let people choose whatever gender they feel like, and we should all follow the laws until they become too persecutorial, then civil disobedience will be called for, which neither side is ready to do.

Getting a sex change is not heroic. Bruce Jenner was an accomplished Olympian, businessman and motivational speaker--these things are at least interesting, if not necessarily heroic. Caitlyn Jenner is kinda a bitch who has accomplished nothing except showing fake tits. Caitlyn will have a few decades ahead to establish Caitlyn as a person of quality, but right now Caitlyn Jenner wants the limelight on Caitlyn Jenner. I will not entertain anyone in the Jenner or Kardashian family as an important person unless the title is for world's biggest fame whore.

So, is anyone in the media going to talk about Kylie Jenner's relationship with a grown-ass man? Is anyone going to talk about the possible case of vehicular manslaughter that Bruce caused JUST A FEW MONTHS AGO!?! (My controversial pet theory is that this change of assignment is to escape criminal charges, but I'm no lawyer.) Because GOOD JOB, MEDIA!

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