
Tuesday, June 21, 2016


Very few people approved of what the folks at Pulse were doing with their personal lives, but they were all God's children, as flawed as any of His others. Extra-judicious killing is wrong. To my leftwing friends: A soldier is someone who tries to avoid civilian causalities, terrorists prefer civilian causalities. They seek out soft targets, and might plant secondary bombs to murder first responders. (Oh, and to my rightwing friends, "homicide bomber" is not a thing. It is redundant. There are only suicide bombers and bombers.)

Rightwingers want this to be an act of terrorism; leftwingers want this to be a hate crime. (See what these bathroom bills are doing to America?) In 2002, a different Muslim shot-up the terminal at LAX. America has so many mass-shootings that their motives blend together. An entirely different Muslim shot-up Ft. Hood--with rightwingers calling it Islamic terrorism and leftwingers calling it a workplace shooting. A Native American Nazi boy shot up his community. Hate crimes used to be simpler than this. Of course, we all know who did this: a scumbag.

Donald Trump, who a few days prior to this shooting addressed the NRA where he proudly boasted how much his family loves guns. He sent out a self-congratulating tweet, and he pushed for more control on Muslim migrants. Of course, the shooter was an American. He was a native-born American. He could've ran for office--any office, with the only limiter being his relatively youthful age. Again Trump has espoused a view that is not merely racist, which is an opinion, but factually wrong.

You have to think ISIS is going to regret taking credit for this attack. ISIS seems intent on taking credit for attacks in which the terrorist group didn't participate in, which makes them oddly far worse than al-Qaeda. A lot of Americans were killed, and that's good enough for the group. Still, the shooter apparently did a lot of research on the local homosexual culture. I mean, a lot of research.

Banning AR-15s are like banning trans folks from choosing which restroom that they want to use. (Assault weapons are used in less than 2% of murders in America; Americans have a better chance of being assaulted by a trans person than murdered with an assault weapon.) These are symbolic measures meant to appease voters, and shouldn't be taken seriously as a threat to anyone's Constitutional rights, whether real or imaginary. They are meant to make the voters feel more comfortable--same reason why I don't sniff white women on the elevator. Social conservatives want to tell trans folks: no. No, we will not have men in the ladies' room. This is wrong. The police agencies of North Carolina don't care to enforce this law--and they have said they're not interested in enforcing it. It's the equivalent of jaywalking, where you have to be particularly blazon about it to be cited. Bathroom bills will not mean that trans men will have to go out back; bathroom bills will force trans men to complete their business and leave without having to make conversation with the women there. Assault weapon bans will allow murderers to use ANY OTHER GUN AVAILABLE to murder. Social liberals want to show that they are making efforts to end murder. Just as the feds are interfering with the locals' desire to regulate, locals will try to interfere with the fed's right to regulate.

The inescapable fact is that American Muslims have a better chance of being murdered by someone in the LBGT community, then a gay American has of being murdered by a Muslim. Women get murdered by their husbands. Children get murdered by their families. Honor killings and Sharia aren't a problem in our nation. The knock-out game isn't a thing.

Banning assault weapons would not protect a poor black kid or a poor Latino--or any kid in the rough side of town, regardless of race or political ideology. You can't pocket an assault rifle; you can't throw it away when you're done with it. The ban would not have plausibly affected the shooting in Orlando. You have a constitutional right to own a gun, not fly in an airplane. However it has been more than ten years since 9/11, it is time to re-evaluate how many freedoms people suspected of being terrorists should have. In the words of comedian Lewis Black: "It's a watchlist! We are watching the terrorists buy guns!"

A long essay that I wrote related to serial murder.

A short review. C'mon! It's 99 cents!

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