
Wednesday, April 12, 2017

The Pepsi Generation Needs to Take It Down a Notch.

Wow, that Pepsi ad just offended everyone. The multiracial models marched into the streets, carrying signs advocating "Love" and "Starting the conversation." These were pro-love protestors.

What Pepsi ended up doing was holding a mirror to the hipster douches in the "Resistance" movement. Things had gotten too real for them. Despite their colorful signs, these political activists have a shocking lack of sense of humor. Like Trump, they cannot laugh at themselves.

Last year, BeyoncĂ© performed in the Pepsi-sponsored Super Bowl halftime show, using choreography and costuming that many saw as inspired by the Black Panthers. Whereas BeyoncĂ© embraced her heritage, being a multimillionaire rebel whose music is on the iPods of little white girls everywhere, the Jenner ad was declared as insulting. Pepsi has been getting some mixed messages from you crazy kids. Not very pro-love of you.

(Note: Since the airing of this ad and the posting of this blog entry, United Airline was embroiled in a scandal of their own, thus taking the attention off Pepsi. Pepsi should send UA a fruit basket.)