
Friday, October 27, 2017

To the genuine victims of Harvey Weinstein, let me start off by saing: "It wasn't your fault."

Everyone does disgraceful things to advance their careers. ("Art is good. Artists tend to be scumbags. But art is good!" as I like to tell myself.) So much of show business is based on personal relationships, fluid work hours/locations and a great deal of nudity. These things lead to nepotism and lax professional work environments. When President Bill Clinton was caught receiving oral sex in the Oval Office, it was so many in Hollywood who said "so what?" In show business, it is not uncommon for men to have sex with female--and sometimes male--subordinates. What Clinton participated in was not just a morality issue but also a sex crime. Hollywood has never really addressed that, rather changing the subject to illustrate Republican/conservative hypocrisies on sex.

The question of why this is all coming out now can be condensed to: Weinstein is an old lion. Past his prime, he's now too weak to defend himself against his adversaries. He is the last of the Hollywood gatekeepers, the old time studioheads who decided which movies would get made and who would have careers in filmmaking. Kids can now create their own passion projects, independent of Project Greenlight. The technologically modern idea of public shaming on a global scale has taken hold, and three decades of bad karma and masturbating into potted plants have come back to haunt him. It could not have happened to a nicer guy. So what was once an open secret became a public scandal, as countless women (and some men) must now disclose what they know and when they knew it. Not in 2000 years have so many Jews publically denied knowing one of their champions. Weinstein is like Jesus if Jesus had asked women to watch him shower. In a few months, Hollywood liberals will discover Roman Polanski raped a girl.

Donald Trump is being blamed for the issue of toxic male culture. (Why couldn't Hillary have become President? She would've stepped into her time machine and stopped that sex offender from sex offending and making her political career possible, thus triggering a paradox that...would've destroyed the observable universe!) The difference is that Weinstein paid millions to make these charges go away while Trump often refused to settle, refusing to acknowledge his sex crimes ever happened. The difference is there's audio of Trump joking about grabbing women by the pussy and audio of Weinstein attempting to do it. Weinstein's accusers outnumber Trump's by at least a factor of ten, many of whom are wealty and famous in their own right--and not all accusers are equals.

Let's not mince words: Weinstein was able to do what he did because he was making money. Money for Miramax. Money for Disney. Money for the Weinstein Company. If these companies paid out a million to settle claims in a given year, he would've made fifty times that for these companies.

The problem should be that Weinstein was using Miramax and later the Weinstein Company as a slush to pay off his inappropriate behavior. Art is a business here, and there is still some decorum in conducting one's self in a business setting. It should not be about how attractive he is or was.

It is my understanding that Weinstein was never exactly a ladies' man. (His pick-up move involved asking women if they wanted to watch him shower; far from ingenious, this was pathetic. Weinstein's MO was pathetic.) Like Bill Clinton, Weinstein was not popular with girls in school. Whereas Clinton had intelligence and charisma, Weinstein had intelligence and  bluster. Cruelty got him to the top. So many of them behind the scenes of Hollywood--whether directors or producers or unemployed screenwriters--were weird kids growing up. They weren't the popular boys surrounded by legions of friends. This leaves a void in an older man's life, as he is guided by the same raw instincts but previously had no ability to satisfy them. You "use what you got" in this world, and Weinstein had power as a producer and a studio head.

At the root of these claims are typically Weinstein's attempts to get laid. Kate Beckinsale recounts her coming into the exec's hotel room (when she was 17!) and he clumsily attempted to seduce her. The actress recalled that it “did not cross my mind that this older, unattractive man would expect me to have any sexual interest in him.” Since Beckinsale opened this door, let's all agree that more women would've watched him shower if he looked like Brad Pitt. (By the way, how weird was it that Weinstein kept trying to bang Pitt's girlfriends?) So much of it having been harassment was not an issue of female professionalism--many of these women have had sex with their costars or coworkers--but the issue was that Weinstein wasn't hot. If he had been, it wouldn't have been sexual harassment so much as sexual fulfillment. Hollywood has long fought for the private sex lives of consenting adults--often while employing the most liberal uses of the terms "consenting" and "adult." The ladies wouldn't have been complaining if they were attracted to him; the scandal would be much smaller. Instead we have the image of real-world Jabba the Hut trying to find a girl to put on the gold bikini.

In defense of Harvey Weinstein, he probably didn't ruin that many careers. These women told him to go fuck himself--or stop fucking himself in front of them--and he moved on to the next woman. That he had Angelina Jolie and Gwyneth Paltrow blacklisted in the 90s stretches credibility. The work dried up for Mira Sorvino and Rosanna Arquette because they turned 30. They got old. Too old for teenage boys to whack off to them without thinking about their mothers. Megan Fox will soon be her generation's Mira Sorvino. Not Weinstein's fault, specifically. More of an issue of how time works.

Hollywood and Weinstein specifically contributed to a series of anti-Christian movies, espousing the hypocrisies of the Catholic Church and Christianity in general (Dogma, Doubt, Priest, Bob Roberts). Hollywood calls Trump a Nazi, while giving an Oscar to an actual Nazi. (I'm not kidding. Google Leni Riefenstahl.) The real perverts are Christian men, especially white Republicans. Gay men aren't freaks who like to touch boys; Catholic priests are freaks who like to touch boys. "SEE!?! LOOK AT THE HYPOCRISY!!! Vote for gay marriage." Vice-President and conservative Christian Mike Pence gets mocked for not wanting to be alone with a female, and Weinstein gets mocked for enjoying his private meetings with female coworkers. Hollywood can't have it both ways. Hollywood, like all of the American workforce, has to choose at what point do things appear inappropriate.

 Meanwhile, so many mainstream artists have been living elbow deep in sexual perversion. They gave an Oscar to Roman Polanski, a well-known child rapist. Weinstein bundled millions to popular liberal candidates, including the Clintons and Obama. Donald Trump can breath a sigh of relief.

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