
Monday, September 25, 2017

#takeaknee--or not, whatever. I don't care. (America flag: good. Confederate flag: bad.)

You know how you feel about seeing the Confederate flag? That's how so many--probably a majority--of Americans feel about people who are disrespecting the American flag or the national anthem. This is not a win for liberals; like Jane Fonda, it illustrates how out of touch these elitist liberals are with regular Americans. It does, however, further show how bad--I mean, BAD--Trump is as President.

Trump was given a question, and he replied in his Trumpian fashion: fire the sonsofbitches who protest DURING the national anthem. This was not breaching the First Amendment, since you're not entitled to play for the NFL, regardless of race or political leanings. What is interesting, however, is how heavily subsidized the NFL is by the federal and local governments. (Research it.... Right!?!) In a roundabout way, the taxpayers are paying these wealthy jocks to protest America(?)

This isn't about BLM or resist or even racial inequity. The players, coaches, team owners, et al don't appreciate being told what to do by a man whom many probably didn't vote for. (Some of them, like Colin Kaepernick, didn't vote at all. Because he respect America so much?) The NFL ignored all the CTE, but would not stand by and let their employment policies be dictated by outsiders.

Trump again overestimated how much influence that he had--although, really, he has helped fortify his base by waging war with these rich team owners and their America-hating employees. He advanced the kneel movement more than the currently unemployed Kaepernick, who doesn't even have a job.

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