
Monday, January 30, 2017

And you thought YOU had a bad time at the airport!

President Donald Trump is continuing to fulfill his cocaine-fueled promises and just banned everyone from several predominantly Islamic countries. Protests in our nation's airports have sprout up. People are mad at Uber for functioning as it should.

Just about 100 visa-holders were not allowed in the US. The problem is that this is now a Constitutional issue. Trump's ardent supporters do not ask such questions; he won them over with far crazier ideas, like banning all Muslim immigrants entirely. You either have a visa and you can enter America, or you don't and you can't. There is no middle ground, apparently. Trump just invented a middle ground, and people aren't playing along.

Trump has banned immigrants from countries such as Iran and Pakistan, but not nations that export a lot of terrorists, such as Saudi Arabia. In his defense, Saudi Arabia is technically a US ally. (Plus Trump Corporation has business interests over there!) Saudis commit a lot of terrorism because they can travel the world freely and are relatively well-educated--and that so many well-educated Muslims become terrorists is something we should all think about. Iranians have been persona non grata in this country since the 80s, so they commit few acts of terrorism against America. Iran is a state sponsor of terrorism. That's why.

Ashton Kutcher gave an impassioned speech at last night's SAG Awards condemning this travel ban. Kutcher owns a part of Uber and has a financial interest in the company's success--also, you know, he's tolerant.

Also Mila Kunis has a penis.

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