
Saturday, May 10, 2014

So...heard about what Don Sterling said?

I love that the breaking point was this chick having her photo taken alongside black people. Can we all agree on the hilarity of that? Can we all love that?

You also get a sense that there would be less controversy if he owned an NHL franchise or a NASCAR team--where saying black people shouldn't show up is kinda redundant. He would've been fined but not banned for life. Telling black people not to come to NBA games--really? Really that's like telling the lesbians not to come to an LPG tournament.

Here's my defense of him: Sterling was entitled to make racist comments in private without a nosy journalist recording him and saying: "You're busted!" The issue should be his broken promises to charities, shady business dealings, corruption and generally awfulness--not his personal opinion of African Americans. Now another recording just came out--possibly as a weird cover for the first recording, clarifying what he meant, but it feels like we all know what he really meant.

This entire tape controversy also distracts from Sterling's shady business dealings. This guy is a slumlord, and his wife was caught on tape posing as a housing inspector to harass some poor renters. Oh, and his kid shot a guy in the back and claimed self-defense.

This V. Stivi-whatever is clearly a nutjob, too, by the way. She clearly leaked the tape. Whatever good things that she might've done in her past, she's also a fame whore. If Sterling wasn't giving her money for sex, then he just wasted a few million on him, which makes Sterling stupid as well as sleazy and racist. According to the LA times, this was the Sterlings MO: Don would seduce a young woman with extravagant gifts, then when he broke the relationship off, his wife would harass the mistress to get some of the stuff back under the principle that it was common property. These two are amongst the worst human beings alive.

In the next few months, he will attempt to play on the public's sympathies by donating money and looking for black people to hang-out with (which will also require money). He will claim medical and psychiatric problems. But ultimately there's no treatment for being an asshole.

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