
Saturday, October 12, 2013

Hey, Republicans, get to work!

GET TO WORK!... GET TO WORK! President Obama has no control over whether Congress is open or closed, these being separate branches of government.

Republicans had their opportunity to make their mark on Obamacare in 2009, but they preferred obstruction--as they have obstructed for another three years. They took the issue to the Court, and the notoriously liberal Roberts Court literally said that it was Constitutional.

Is Obamacare good policy? Is it bad policy? Time will tell. So far the health exchanges are so terrible that people are rushing to sign-up for them. The Teabagger explanation is that most of those people are visiting the sites are politicians and their staff and journalists, which is a conspiracy theory that is actually beneath the Speaker. The more plausible explanation is that Americans are fearful that they need to sign-up for Obamacare ASAP or face some sever sanction such as kneecap forfeiture. The government, showing its usual foresight, didn't anticipate that everyone who didn't have health insurance would sign up for it all at once--rather there plan was probably for the 40 million Americans who don't have health insurance would evenly sign up over a period of several months, and the system was overwhelmed.

Sometimes you're ahead, sometimes you're behind. At this point, Republicans are causing trouble for the sake of causing trouble, and are not exercising any principles whatsoever. This is not rebellion or patriotism but douchebaggery at is finest. It is such when done by liberals who burn the flag to show their contempt for the legislative process, and it it certainly the situation when done by Republicans whose master plan is to deny Obama a routine raising of the debt-ceiling to force a few billion in cuts and to hold off the inevitable for another year. In economic terms, this is a bad investment. In the words of Seth Meyers, Republicans have lost the game and have taken the ball into the woods.

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